Saturday, August 1, 2009

Leura Conference

Considerable discussion among a few of the guys featured in this photo has failed to reach consensus on exactly when and why the conference was held.

Based on everyone’s best recollection, the date was most likely sometime in 1980. The exact reason for bringing such a mix of senior HR and Admin executives together could not be recalled.
However, there were some great memories of golf, squash and table tennis games; saunas and swimming pools; the Sydney participants being allocated interstate staff to pick up and return the interstaters to Mascot; farewell champagnes at the airport; and much more.

Venue was certainly the York Leura Gardens Resort in the Blue Mountains (although it was then called the Everglades Motor Inn). The course convenor was Peter Campbell who was National HR Manager at the time.

Left to Right: Ken House, Bob Bennett, David Beros, Dennis Fenton, John Leplaw, Bevan Harris, Col Lye, Peter Campbell, Frank Broadfoot, Les Mainwaring, Jim O’Brien, David Blowfield, John Bell – and Nev Hine in front.
It’s sad to note that John Bell passed away last year.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone know what happened to Peter Campbell - seems like the arabs - he just folded up his tent and silently slipped away ?
