Friday, November 29, 2019

Pyrmont - 28 November 2019

Our last gathering for the year was no less enjoyable than all the others.
Note the different location - on the 1st Floor - not so many steep steps!
Overseas and other travel took its usual toll on our numbers but to counter some of that we had the pleasure of seeing Graham Curd who is down on leave from Singapore. And it was good to see Nev Bayliss after his absences while travelling.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Pyrmont - 5 September 2019

Despite the absence of a few familiar faces, the usual good time was had by all.
However, has anyone noticed that the stairs at the pub are getting steeper?
Here’s to the next one!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Pyrmont - 6 June 2109

It was another great lunch despite numbers being down due to travel, and sewerage problems. (I’ll let Owen tell you about the latter!).

And yet another member - Ron O’Neil - joined the 75th Birthday Club.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Epping Building

In an earlier posting (April 2018) it was reported that the Epping building was to be demolished to make way for a substantial retail and residential precinct.

As the following photo shows, it has happened. The photo was taken on 8 May 2019 from the Langston Place side. The mess on the right is what is left of the front entrance.

It’s not all gone - yet. This small remaining corner is where the security office was (beside the entrance to the upper level car park off Chambers Court).

Friday, March 1, 2019

Woy Woy - 28 February 2019

Although tinged with a little nostalgia, the first lunch for the year provided its usual portion of good laughs and great fellowship - improved by the presence of our special guest, Carol Whittaker.

Thanks to Rob McPherson for organising the lunch; and thanks to him and Peter George for making the long trek from their Southern estates to be there.

And as the photo below shows, Nev Hine joined the 75th Birthday Club.