Friday, December 7, 2018

Pyrmont - 6 December 2018

It was great to see so many smiling faces at our last gathering for the year.

Ian Nay made his annual appearance, and it was good to see Ron Matthews again after a too-long absence.

As shown below, John Leplaw received a special 75th birthday award - Life Membership. (Thanks, Nev, very humbling.)

It was a happy time, tingled with a touch of sadness at the absence of our dear friend, Roy Whittaker. See item below this one. Rob McPherson has kindly assumed Roy's former task of organising the Woy Woy gathering.

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

Leppy Gets Life
 (now there's a headline that
 wouldn't surprise some!)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Vale - Roy Whittaker

I don’t have the words to properly express how deeply we all must feel at the passing of our dear friend, Roy. So I will leave you with your own thoughts of him - with this reminder from his funeral service.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Pyrmont - 6 September 2018

Numbers were low but, as always, the value of the company was very high.

Overseas and other travel prevented some from attending; and it's hoped that it wasn't illness that caused some other absences.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Pyrmont - 31 May 2018

A smaller than usual group this time - but no less enjoyable.

Good to see Bob Clarke - now settled into his country estate.

Friday, April 27, 2018


Those for whom the Epping building - AGCente - was "home" at one stage or another may be interested to learn that it is to be demolished. It's currently occupied by Westpac, and looks like this:

Its replacement, The Langston, will (according the advertising blurb) be a mixed use precinct, comprising of three towers containing 463 premium apartments, 1,681sqm of activated retail space, 1,921sqm of communal open space as well as laneway and pedestrian links throughout the site, connecting The Langston with the existing public library, recreational facilities and the broader Epping Town Centre. And could look like this:

Just a bit different!

Friday, March 2, 2018

More memorabilia

It was thought that this may be of interest:

One wonders how many of the building's occupants appreciated that "All clocks (were) controlled to an accuracy of 2 seconds per month".

Woy Woy - 1 March 2018

Our first for the year at Woy Woy was its usual success.

Although a few familiar faces were missing, it was good to see Geoff Matthews making his annual appearance.

Waiting for the pose instructions


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Another blast from the past

Thought these photos of our old premises might be of interest.

They appeared on the back page of the company's 1965 Annual Report.