Friday, July 26, 2013

Waitara - 25 July 2013

A new venue, the Asquith Leagues Club, proved to be a most enjoyable place to get together and have the usual laughs ... and there were plenty of those!

Medical, travel and family matters caused the absence of a few regulars, and it's to be hoped that they are to be seen at our next meeting.

Maybe it was something
 he said ... or wore!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vale - Col Lye

Friday, 28th June saw the funeral of Norman Colin (Col) Lye at All Saints Church Nelson Bay.
Col passed away on 22nd June at John Hunter Hospital Newcastle after a short battle with pulmonary fibrosis.   He was 71.  Fourteen of Col’s ex-AGC colleagues were in attendance along with a very large congregation which left standing room only in the church.

Col was an active member of the All Saints Church, a member of the Masonic Lodge and an active Probus member.  Friends from these associations swelled the numbers at the funeral service.  A moving and at times humorous eulogy was delivered by Col’s children, Bronwyn and Andrew.

Col was a Tamworth boy and started work in the Bank of New South Wales, moving to AGC in 1966 as Accountant Tamworth.  This was the commencement of a long career specialising in the Accounting and Administration streams in AGC.  Among Col’s many roles were State Accountant NSW, State Administration Manager Personal Loans, State Manager Personal Loans NSW, National Manager Accounting- Australian Finance Group.

Col was a keen sportsman participating in rugby league, cricket and hockey in which latter sport he attained representative status.

He will be missed by his many friends, old colleagues and members of the 1925 Club.

Roy Whittaker

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pyrmont - 9 May 2013

A near record-breaking number of members took advantage of the fine Autumn weather to gather at the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel and enjoy each other's company over a few drinks and a bite of lunch. And making their first appearance were John Dowling and, all the way from Perth, Phil Cleaver.

One sad note was the news that Peter Carne had passed away that day. Many present had fond memories of Peter whose skills in the Credit area were highly regarded.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Woy Woy - 21 February 2013

The traditional "first for the year" lunch at Woy Woy saw a sizable number of our members there to, among other things, welcome Roy back from his experiences with the Victorian and NSW health systems.  And it was an opportunity for many to meet our special guest, Carol Whittaker, who kept us all so well informed during Roy's trials & tribulations.

Another special part of the day was the celebration of the 75th birthdays (only a day apart) of John McCullough and Roy. Thanks go to Nev Hine for creating their mementos.

The Birthday Boys

Friday, February 8, 2013

Vale - Brian Camps

On February 7th at the Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery, many of his old workmates joined with his family and many of his other friends in farewelling Brian Camps - "Campsie" - a gentleman and a really good bloke. He died on January 26th after a long fight with cancer. He was 76.

Brian had an interesting and quite varied career with AGC which commenced in Newcastle. His experience in AGC covered all aspects of Credit, Sales, Administration, Human Resources and Management and the esteem in which he was held by all levels of staff throughout the company during his career is evidenced by the range of his past associates who attended his farewell.

During Brian's time as Manager Compliance NSW, AGC had to resolve a lot of systemic errors on credit contracts in those states where consumer credit Acts were in place. In the course of making application to the relevant Credit/Administrative tribunals, one key part of the company’s applications was an affidavit of some length and complexity drawn up by our lawyers in conjunction with Brian. The affidavit covered our compliance process and was used or referred to in many proceedings. It was noted by all our external advisers, both solicitors and barristers, as being a great document and various Chairs of the credit tribunals also complimented on the clarity and detail of the document. It was known as The Camps' Affidavit.

A regular attendee at the group’s lunches, Brian will be missed.