Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas 2011

In a break with tradition, the Christmas Lunch was held at the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel on Thursday, 1 December 2011.

The general consensus was that it was good venue that ticked all the boxes for food, price, service and surroundings.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Woy Woy - 13 October 2011

The club photographer was having such a good time, he forgot to take the traditional group photo at the Woy Woy gathering. As always at this favourite venue, a good time was had by all - even if the restaurant is no longer BYO.

For the record, the attendees were: Athol Jenner, Bob Clarke, Brian Camps, Doug Craighead, John Leplaw, Neville Hine, Neville Bayliss, Rob McPherson, Roy Whittaker & Terry Colley.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Vale - Jessie Marcus

Our dear friend and workmate, Jessie Marcus, is no longer with us. However, her name will come up whenever AGC staff gather.

Jessie was a legend in her lifetime, and that will certainly continue. She epitomised the AGC work culture, and ran the AGC switchboard - which was one of Sydney’s busiest - with the able assistance of her "girls" with efficiency and friendliness. It was favourably commented upon by our dealers, customers, etc.

Jessie’s role required a great deal of tact and patience at times. Of course, when officers did not answer their telephone promptly or did the wrong thing, then watch out, you copped more than your share of the difficult calls.

Many of our staff from the far flung corners of the AGC Empire were helped by Jessie with advice, and who was not in a good humour, etc. How many calls did Jessie sort out when a caller asked, "Could I speak to my Daddy’? Jessie always worked out who "Daddy" was, saving a lot of embarrassment.

There are many stories about Jessie. We all know about them, and will still chuckle about them. One classic was her ability on a Friday evening (and other days) to hear a bar open 1-12 floors away.

After she retired, Jess returned to her hometown of Griffith and enjoyed a decade of health and happiness with her family. She passed away on 20th August 2011.

Jessie, it is time to say goodbye. You were respected by us all. Thank you for what you did for us all and AGC. We will miss you Jessie Marcus.

Athol Jenner

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


It was almost a rite of passage within AGC to attend at least one live-in conference at Glenavon Lodge - a purpose-built facility located in one of Sydney’s premier suburbs, Vaucluse.

Apart from providing valuable instruction, these conferences allowed the participants to meet their colleagues from all over Australia and, at some, from overseas. Many a lasting friendship has begun over a drink or two during a Glenavon happy hour.

It wasn’t all work, of course. Some conferences included a harbour cruise and a visit to Head Office to meet “the heavies”, and a game of cricket on the adjoining oval was always on the cards. Another popular activity, provided to the visitors by the local lads, was a conducted tour of King Cross and its dubious attractions (although getting back into Glenavon after curfew was sometimes a bit of a challenge).

There are bound to be some familiar faces among those to be seen in the following photos (submitted by Bob Clarke, Owen Knight & John Leplaw). Do you have any photos that you’d like to share?


Friday, July 15, 2011

Pyrmont - 14 July 2011

As the accompanying photo shows, a creditable number of the crew assembled at the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel on a perfect Winter’s day.

The venue appeared to be very acceptable, and those who ordered it devoured the Beef & Guinness Pie with a passion. Other meals were also given a “thumbs up”.

Unfortunately, not feeling the very best resulted in the absence of a few familiar faces: Brian Camps, Ian Nay, Neville Bayliss & Peter Rowland to whom the group wished the very best of future good health. Some even had a drink or two on behalf of their absent friends - well, that was their story.

For the better organised: please note that the next lunch is scheduled to be held at Woy Woy on October 13th. Roy Whittaker is in the chair, and will be in touch closer to the event.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cronulla - 14 April 2011

The group’s first visit to The Shire can only be described as memorable - with many thanks going to Nev Bayliss for initiating & organising a most pleasurable event.

Drinks at “Northies” were followed by a pleasant walk down to the other end of the beach to a great Italian restaurant where a very tasty lunch was enjoyed by all.

A major feature of the day was the celebration of Athol Jenner’s 80th birthday (April 2nd) and, although not quite that old, that of Ron O’Neil (April 5th). The photos show the pain of the combined celebration of those events.

The attendance of Peter Rowland (80 next year) was a special bonus; and it was great to catch-up with a surprise visitor in the form of Peter George (who many will remember as AGC’s CFO).

It was also a delight to see Roy Whittaker - fully mobile after his recent knee-replacement surgery - and Rob McPherson who made the trip down from the wilds of somewhere out near Maitland.

Ken Small sent his apologies from Velassaru Resort in the Maldive Islands where he was visiting his grandkids. And just for the record, Owen Knight is missing from the group photo.

Although there was some vague reference to it, everyone was having too good a time to give due consideration to the date and venue of our next gathering. Suggestions anyone?

Don’t you just hate it when your knife gets stuck in your "sponge" birthday cake?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Woy Woy - 10 February 2011

As tradition would have it, our first lunch for the year was held at Woy Woy, and it did not disappoint - with a possible exception being the absence of Roy Whittaker who organised the event only to find that he had a conflicting family commitment.

As the photo shows, the gathering was well attended...mostly by the usual suspects.

Our next get-together will be on April 14th at or near Cronulla. Nev Bayliss is organising, and will provide details in due course (as they say in the classics).

